Greenfinch, a decentralized storage solution that utilizes the Neo blockchain and NeoFS, will be known going forward as Cassette. The co-founders cite inspiration from the ethos of the cypherpunks, emphasizing privacy, anonymity, and security, which influenced decentralized technology like blockchain and distributed storage networks. The new brand reflects this spirit, building on the sharing of cassette-based mixtapes that predated digital music distribution networks.
The Cassette team notes that while the rebranded application might have a similar design to the first version of Greenfinch, the underlying code has been entirely rewritten from the ground up. This change is intended to make Cassette much easier to iterate and build on moving forward.

Source: Cassette
Cassette allows users to create and manage Containers, which can hold multiple objects and are made with user-defined rules for read and write access rights. Any object (i.e., PDF, word document, music or video file) can be uploaded and stored in a NeoFS container via Cassette.
To use Cassette, users must import or create a Neo N3 wallet populated with GAS to pay for storage operations. Cassette supports multiple wallets, including Neon Wallet, O3, and those enabled by Wallet Connect, or users can create a brand new wallet from within the app.
Storage on NeoFS must be paid for in NeoFS GAS, which can be obtained by converting GAS. Cassette can facilitate this swap and enables users to manage the balance.

Source: Cassette
The roadmap for Cassette notes plans for a discovery phase for the forthcoming Neo X EVM sidechain, designing and testing a desktop integration tool, exploring a potential hardware prototype, and a UI redesign. Additionally, users are encouraged to join the Cassette team’s official Discord server and request features on the application.
About Cassette’s Team
The Cassette team joined the Neo ecosystem in late 2021 as GreenFinch and began building its Dropbox-like application on the Neo blockchain and NeoFS distributed storage network. The team is composed of two co-founders: Alex Walker, a back-end Golang developer, and Robin Green, a front-end React developer. That year, the team won the Best Middleware Project award in the Neo Polaris Launchpad hackathon, the ecosystem’s first hackathon following the launch of Neo N3 in 2021.
In 2022, Greenfinch was the first successful GrantShares proposal, receiving six votes in support of releasing 825 NEO to build the Greenfinch API. The Greenfinch API is an HTTP API aimed at making it easy for developers to tap into the power of NeoFS.
In 2023, the first version of the Greenfinch application, compatible with Windows and Mac operating systems, was launched on Neo N3 MainNet. That same year, Greenfinch co-founders were at Neo’s booth at Consensus in Austin, Texas. Walker was interviewed for the NNT YouTube channel, and Green was interviewed for a special episode of The Smart Economy Podcast.
Those interested in using Cassette can get started by visiting the link below: